Friday, August 30, 2013

When you can't find a teaching job?

Once upon a time years ago I decided to become a Special Ed Teacher. I graduated from college with a degree in social work and could not find a job to save my life. This was in the days of typing and mailing resumes. I took a job as a Therapeutic Staff member, ie. well paid babysitter for the state. One day after an hour drive I accompanied a 9 year old to school in Philadelphia. A new substitute principal took over for the one on maternity leave, she said, "You are way too intelligent to be babysitting. Why aren't you a teacher?"
      After I explained that I didn't have a teaching degree or license she pulled a piece of paper down off the wall and said, "You can be an apprentice if you can take some grad classes." For a year I applied and no one answered me so I drove to the city school district offices and met the bilingual recruiter. The most teaching I did was at a daycare but because I could speak Spanish I was hired.  
        I drove 2 hours a day to a bilingual school and took care of a 12 year old sibling plus went to grad school. I worked for 5 principals in 5 years. 3 out of 5 wrote me up for no reason. One of my students with a hall pass flicked his middle finger at the principal and somehow it was my fault. I secretly wanted to high five him. That kid is now 25 and ended up going to school to design video games. This is a kid who came out of the class from hell in Special Ed. After I took over the class teachers asked me what drugs I gave the kids to keep them in the classroom. By my 2nd week I had 15 new teacher friends.
      I have serious medical problems which I cover up well. A new principal found out and there began missing papers and write ups. I went on sick leave for a year and hired and got a lawyer. The only problem, major school districts pay their lawyers 50x more and usually win. I left before hiring a lawyer and opted to sub for them knowing I might not find work elsewhere. Stupidly, I bought a house and had to hang onto it.
      I subbed, was treated like crap. One principal decided I spoke in a racist fashion. My last name is hispanic though my first is not. With blonde hair and blue eyes I do not look half hispanic. I lived in Columbia for a year and go back to visit often. No, I did not speak in a racist fashion but she decided to get 10 Learning Disabled students to say I did.
     I have babysat, tutored, waited tables, cleaned houses, sold at flea markets, dog sat at my house, my home went into foreclosure. Luckily I got a modification on my home loan but I now owe tons of money in late fees. I currently owe $3,500 for gas heating fees. I have a husband and baby and we have heated the home with electric space heaters.  The State did not bother to let me know that while I was on sick leave or subbing I needed to take  180 credits. That is equal to 6 credits. $2,500 or so?
        Fast forward to 2010. I worked for God awful charter school. I had a job at least! My boss called me in one day and said, "You need to sign this paper stating that you don't have enough credits with the state so we are letting you go." I filed for unemployment. I met my husband, who made no money. I of course got pregnant, with no health insurance. I was on Medicaid while delivering a baby. I had to go to the worst hospital, and be treated like crap once again, even though my degree surpasses any of nurses in a crappy city hospital.
      My son is now 15 months old. My home once again was in foreclosure. We are out of it. My son is staying with my mother in North Carolina I have a NJ certificate in K-12 Special Ed. I speak fluent Spanish. After 60 applications I have had no interviews. A high school owned by a private company, scheduled an interview over the phone at 7 pm. The next day they cancelled via email, how upscale! Of course! I live in PA so I am just scum! I have called HR offices who screech at me and tell me they have forwarded my information. Really? Why have I not gotten a call?  I am not a gym teacher or social studies teacher. I take the kids no one else has the time for? In answer to everyone. Yes, I have applied out of state and have had no response. For those of you young enough to change careers, please do so!

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